Brian Hobson
Brian Hobson currently serves as our Sr Director of the Roadmap Development Division leading future planning for the advancement of the FirstNet network. Previously, Brian has held multiple roles at FirstNet including Ecosystem and Roadmap Development within Enterprise Strategy, as well as the Product Lead, State Plans Director, and State Plans technical lead all within the Market Engagement Office. Brian started at FirstNet in 2014 but has worked on this initiative before the legislation was created. Prior to FirstNet, Brian worked as a Navy civilian at Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) working on a variety of different wireless communications programs in support of the Navy, Army, USMC, Air Force, DARPA, DoD research laboratories, and DHS. In supporting DHS, Brian served as the Chief Engineer of the Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program (ICTAP) working with public safety in all states and territories to solve their communications challenges. Brian has 20+ years of government service and graduated from Washington State University with a degree in electrical engineering.