Harald Ludwig
Harald Ludwig is the founder and managing director of Arico Technologies, a company offering consultancy, training and project management services for the professional mobile radio industry.
He has more than 25 years of experience in the professional mobile radio industry and with mission- and safety-critical systems. His expertise covers the fields of system and application design, test and integration, tender specifications writing and bid evaluation, training, international standardisation, interoperability and conformance testing and command and control systems.
Harald is chairman of the TCCA Technical Forum, active in global mission critical broadband testing and certification initiatives, e.g. with the Global Certification Forum (GCF) or as Technical Expert for the MCX and FRMCS Plugtests. He is involved in international mission critical broadband research projects like MCOP (mission critical open platform), MCS-TaaSting (mission critical conformance tester), or the BroadWay project.
14-May-2024Theatre CThe Crucial Role of Testing New Features in the MCX and FRMCS Plugtests