Peter Clemons
Peter Clemons has been involved in the global critical communications industry since he wrote his first TETRA report back in 1996. Peter founded the TETRA SME Group (now TETRA Industry Group – TIG) back in 2001, was Director of Communications at Spanish critical communications equipment manufacturer, Teltronic & is also a former Director & Board Member, TCCA, where he worked closely together with all key industry & community players to promote critical communications technology standards around the world.
Peter is President of France-based consulting firm, Quixoticity-EU, founded in 2021, which replaced UK-based firm, Quixoticity Ltd (2012-2021) & Vice-President, standards, EUWENA (European Users Wireless Enterprise Network Association) supporting harmonised spectrum and global standards for private networks across Europe.
In December 2022, Peter joined French LTE/5G Multicast/Broadcast specialist company, ENENSYS Technologies, as Global Head, Critical Communications to help accelerate the migration of existing LMR networks to 3GPP-based critical communications solutions.
15-May-2024Theatre CBroadcast/Multicast Demonstration- A Key Component of 3GPP LTE/5G-Based Mission Critical Networks
16-May-2024Theatre ACritical Communications Network "Unwrapped" Discussion