Taito Vainio
Director General,
Emergency Response Centre Agency, Finland
Taito Vainio started as a fire figher in 1983. He worked as a fire fighter and fire sub-officer for 10 years. In 1998 he moved to the Ministry of the Interior, department for rescue services. He worked in the Ministry of the Interior altogether 21,5 years in different positions. In 2020 the Government appointed him as a Director General in Emergency Response Centre Agency. He has worked in his present position for 4 years. During his career in Ministry of the Interior he has worked in different EU working groups (EU risk management expert group, forest fire expert group) and he was also a Finnish UN focal point for Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 - 2015 and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2020. He was also a chairman of intergovernmental working group that prepared the first as well as the second national risk assessment in Finland. Taito has two academic degrees Master of Science in Technology (Knowledge Management) and Master of Arts in Political Science (International Politics). In addition, he has Fire Fighter`s Degree as well as Degree of Fire Officer.